
The Taniwha

The Taniwha
Saturday, 3 November 2018 07:45AM to 04:00PM

This event celebrates the hard work of the Waikato River Trails Trust over the past 13 years in developing 100km of top quality trails - most of it on previously inaccessible land along the mighty Waikato River. 

The trails wind their way through all the faces of New Zealand’s natural beauty - native bush, exotic forest, historic landmarks, geological formations, open reserves, boardwalks over wetlands, and stunning single track - taking in expansive lake and river views throughout. Phew! If too much amazing scenery were possible this'd be it! 

Wheels, as an individual, or as a team! There's something for every age, ability, and fitness level. 

Come and join us on Saturday 3rd November to take on as much of the stunning Waikato River Trails as you want - on foot, on two wheels, as an individual, or as a team! There's something for every age, ability, and fitness level.
