
The Bubble Show

The Bubble Show
Friday, 22 February 2019 04:00PM to 07:30PM

Join Mr. Bubbles with his extraordinary soap bubbles in all shapes and sizes. Enjoy bouncy bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, smoke bubbles, square bubbles, giant bubbles and even fire bubbles. Interactive and suitable for all ages, The Bubble Show is a unique blend of magic, storytelling and Bubble-Art! Actor, Storyteller and Guinness World Record Winner, The Highland Joker is one of the top Bubbles artists in the world, touring New Zealand with his award-winning performance. Join us as we journey together through the realms of Bubbleland.

If you would like to stay after the show for a 25-minute hands-on Bubble Workshop with the Bubble Man please book a workshop ticket in addition to your show ticket. The Workshop is suitable for Age 5+ only. Limited availability. (non-participating adults are welcomed to stay with their workshop-participating child).
