
2018 Holiday Parks Conference & Trade Exhibition.

2018 Holiday Parks Conference & Trade Exhibition.
July 27, 2018

The 2018 Holiday Parks Conference & Trade Exhibition was held in Hamilton in July. Along with a number of Holiday parks from Australia and New Zealand, Taupo DeBretts attended this event.

The owner of Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort, Barry Kirkland, was invited as a speaker at the conference. He gave an inspiring speech about Taupo DeBretts’ innovative Virtual Board, underlining how it works and how it benefits the whole business with positive innovative successes in management as well as encouragement for the business partners to embrace new technology and best practice.

Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort had been announced as the winner of the very first Predator Free Holiday Park Award for being extraordinary in making efforts to create a Predator free community. A Featured story on Predator Free NZ’ Website talks about Taupo DeBretts’ journey of controlling predators.

Also, Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort proudly sponsored the prize for The Best Stand Rooms Online Award.

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