Hon Louise Upston visits Taupo DeBretts

Earlier this week, Mirela Petrar our Operations Manager had the pleasure of meeting the Hon Louise Upston, Taupo National MP and Associate Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, and Employment.
Accompanying Louise was Debbie Martingale, Service IQ General Manager – Industry Engagement, Petrina Sculpher, Service IQ Training Advisor and Rachel Read (not pictured) from the Tertiary Education Commission.
The ladies were here to discuss the training initiatives in place at Taupo DeBretts, who at present is the largest company in Taupo utilizing Service IQ with 13 staff members currently enrolled and training in Visitor Experience as part of our commitment to providing a culture of quality and excellence always.
Heading into the future, it is our aim to ensure that every staff member on our team, regardless of the area of responsibility undertakes compulsory training in customer service. This will provide consistency of care for our guests across the board.